by Amy K. Bredemeyer
It's our first two-prize giveaway! With Game of Thrones back on HBO for a second season, it's nice timing to give away a t-shirt and a drawstring bag. Because our previous Game of Thrones giveaway was one of our most-entered, this one will probably have some stiff competition as well! Just to be clear - ONE person will be winning BOTH items.
The drawstring bag is probably pretty close to how you'd envision it - one of those black bags with a print and two sets of strings so it can be worn like a backpack. In addition to the title of the show and the HBO logo, it also has "You Win or You Die" printed on it.
The shirt is a gold color and is an Adult Large in size. On the front, it depicts the House Baratheon with a crowned black stag and the words, "Ours is the Fury." On the back there is a small HBO logo near the neck.
How to Enter: You must leave a comment related to the books or the show - talk about your favorite scene, the characters, what you're looking forward to seeing portrayed in this second season, or some other aspect of Game of Thrones. After you leave a comment (which is worth ONE entry), you can try for EXTRA entries into this giveaway - following TheTalkingBox on Twitter and liking us on Facebook can earn you one additional entry each, PLUS, you can tweet out about the giveaway for another entry... so there's FOUR total possible chances for you to win! If you already follow/like us, awesome. The Rafflecopter widget below has an option for that. If you're not into social media - no problem. You still get one entry with your comment below! Just be sure to "log in" with one of the options so that we can contact you if you win!
Deadline: This giveaway will run a little over a week - no entries will be accepted after 12:01am ET on Monday, April 16th, 2012. A winner will be chosen via random number generator through Rafflecopter later that day.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for entering, and let us know if you have any questions!
Thanks for having the Game of Thrones giveaway! Unfortunately, I have only seen part of the episode where Ned Stark gets beheaded. And from what I had seen, the story, the characters, the sets, and the great acting, I'm hungry to see more! I was able to see part of the episode because DISH had a free HBO preview awhile back, and I managed to catch only part of the episode (because I had stumbled across the free preview by scrolling through the channels). At this time, I cannot afford to subscribe to get HBO. But it looks as though the only way for me to watch the series in its entirety is for me to go and purchase a copy of season one on DVD. Unless of course, I can get really lucky and win a DVD or (Blu-ray copy) online, before too long. Because I cannot hold out for much longer!
Can't wait to see more dragons :)
I love that the serie respect most of the part of the book.. i was very happy when i saw the dragons. It was espectacular!!!
When the wolfes appear..i hardly could breath...even, my ringtone is the intro...I love it!!
All the chapters has something that take my breath away.. the first of the second season was so epic!!
i wish and i would dream wih the Game of Thrones giveaway...
I can't wait to see Rob Snow defend the Wall from the Wildlings and Mammoths. What a fantastic chapter in the series.
i cant pick a single favorite part of the show but i love it all. but right now Daenerys Targaryen is my favorite character, im only midway through the first season but i have a feeling shes a timebomb.
Love, love, love the first series so much I went and bought all the books and now devouring them at crazy fast speed - lol
Favourite character is Jon Snow but Arya is a very close second!
Can't wait to see Jeoffrey get slapped. Again, and again, and again!
I am looking forward to "king" Geoffrey getting what's coming to him ! !
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