Friday, November 22, 2013

Big Bang: Thanksgiving for One and All

I was a bit curious how a Thanksgiving episode would go at this point in the characters' lives, and found several different areas surprising. The Penny-Zack thing caught me off-guard, but I think it's really setting up yet another serious play by Leonard to "put a ring on it." But Bernadette's mother being absent really confused me... it didn't seem to bother anyone, but there's no obvious reason as to why she traveled alone, either. Similarly, Sheldon's mean-spirited attitude for the bulk of the episode seemed uncalled for and harsh, even for him. I think the best grouping of characters was probably the gossip-loving Raj, Amy, and Bernadette (complete with a mouth full of marshmallows!) in the kitchen, and wish more could have transpired in there.

The Big Bang Theory "The Thanksgiving Decoupling" (S07E09): Howard invites the gang to his mother's house for Thanksgiving dinner, as Bernadette's father is going and Howard has nothing to say to him. [why did ONLY Bernadette's mother go and not the rest of the family?] Sheldon doesn't want to, but everyone else is game. Once they get over there, however, Sheldon bonds with Bernadette's dad over football, and even has a beer with the man, as Sheldon's own father passed away when he was only 14, so he was never able to do such a thing. [poor Howard, he really did have a similar situation!]
Cliff Lipson/CBS ©2013 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Penny talks about a time she spent Thanksgiving in Vegas and got "fake-married" to Zack, unaware that those are real nuptials. [remember when Phoebe on Friends thought that was a fake marriage as well?] It bothers Leonard because she has turned down his multiple proposals. [true. ouch!] She agrees to get an annulment and calls Zack to come over and fill out the papers, and he winds up staying for dinner. [he's dumber than I remember! and drunk Sheldon is awkward.]

And, in the kitchen, Raj is in charge because Howard's mother has gout, and Amy and Bernadette assist. 
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