Thursday, May 17, 2012

16 & Pregnant: Sarah is Solo; Sabrina's Choice

by Amy K. Bredemeyer

Two teenage girls again this week. One has the father around until the baby is born, then he splits move on to other things. The other's father doesn't commit to making things work until after the baby is born, but he comes through in the end. Unfortunately, it wrecks her homelife and relationship with her sister, so essentially, she chose her babydaddy over her sibling. Luckily, both girls have support from their mothers, though both will have to struggle to finish their high school educations. This episode also explores a tiny bit about what complications mothers might face - like pre-eclampsia, babies in the NICU, and having to be induced. Not my favorite episode, but worth watching to get those "scarier" looks at the consequences of sex before you're ready.

16 and Pregnant "Sarah" (S04E09): Sarah is 16 and lives in Chickamunga, GA, near Chattanooga. She lives with her mom and two brothers, and resents the fact that she grew up without her dad around. She and her boyfriend, Blake, have been dating on and off for five years. He dropped out of high school and works at a grocery store part-time, though he plans to get into the shrimping industry. [whose mother does their hair and makeup EVERY DAY?? speaking of her mom... she looks REALLY young... was she a teen mom, too?]

May, 34 Weeks: They think they'll make it as parents, and Blake has moved in to be there for the baby. [like the Forrest Gump reference on the boat!] Blake doesn't like the rules of the house, though, and tends to object to taking out the trash or saving $10/week for baby needs. [that's next to nothing! I can't believe that's all he was required to set aside!]

June, 35 Weeks: Blake wants to move elsewhere so he could make more money, but Sarah doesn't want him leaving when the baby is so young. [...though it's not actually born yet, so couldn't he go for a month and return?]

June, 36 Weeks: Her mom tells her that she better not move without plenty of notice. [agreed.] Blake doesn't even know where the hospital is. [oh goodness!] She plans to go back to school online when the next school year comes. Blake is supposed to help Sarah get a crib from her aunt, but he goes out with his friends instead. [this is an attitude I'll never understand... why can't you take an hour to make sure your offspring has a proper place to sleep?? Especially if it's free!] Sarah then gives him a to-do list that includes getting tape off a mirror and washing the car seat, stroller, and "bouncy thing," which she reads to him over the phone. He says that it might take a few days, but it'll get done. He tells a friend that sometimes he'd rather just pay child support than have to live around Sarah's mom. [eep!]

June, 38 Weeks: Blake still haven't picked up the crib, so Sarah's mother goes to get it. Some fighting between Blake and Sarah's mom leads Sarah to suggest that he should move if that's what he really wants to do. When he comes back the next night, he apologizes, brings her half a bag of chips, and go to the Lookout Mountain train. [I guess the chips were an inside joke? it is a cool place, I went to a wedding on Lookout Mountain.] The next week, she's only one centimeter dilated, though almost all effaced. They want to talk induction if she doesn't deliver within the week, so she and her friend try a bunch of things to get things moving, and soon she has pain and nausea. She winds up having a c-section because the baby's head was too far to the side, and on June 18th, Tinleigh Louise is born at 6 lbs, 14 oz. 

June, 3 Days Old: Sarah is in a lot of pain on the way home. Blake is now full-time at the grocery store, but it's the night shift, which only leads to him ignoring the baby crying when he's home. [things like this just break my heart. Poor Sarah just wants to catch a few winks and he won't even answer the monitor.]

July, 2 Weeks Old
: Sarah says that, if she had it to do over, she wouldn't have kids. [well, when you're sixteen or seventeen years old, what do you really know about what there is to having kids?!]

July, 3 Weeks Old: she's out of savings and has no diapers, but Blake is spending his money and not giving it to her regularly, either. When Sarah's mom confronts him about his finances, he leaves, heading for a shrimping boat. He doesn't even say goodbye, coming into the house at night and retrieving his things. [that's harsh!] Sarah struggles to keep up with her schoolwork online. [is she still finishing the previous year?] He calls and they argue about his going now instead of before, and how she wanted Tinleigh to have a good relationship with her father.

July, 1 Month Old: She talks about not having time to put into anything besides motherhood. [TRUTH.]

16 and Pregnant "Sabrina" (S04E10): Sabrina is 17 from Los Angeles. Her parents split when she was young and she'd lived with her dad for ten years when she decides to move to Franklin, TN after her junior year of HS to be near her mom. Her mom, however, has her hands full with three little kids of her own, so Sabrina and her sister, Rebecca, live nearby with their grandparents. Sabrina's boyfriend, Iman, is thinking of moving to TN.

July, 33 Weeks: She wants her baby to have both parents. August 26th is her due date. As soon as they graduate, she wants to get an apartment, but her grandmother suggests that they won't have enough money to do that. Iman keeps telling her that he has no money. [we don't know what he does for a living, so perhaps it's a part-time gig at a restaurant or something?]

August, 36 Weeks: She's worried about Iman not getting there before the baby is born, and she won't be able to handle school without his help. The school has daycare, and she hopes to get a tutor, too, to stay on-track. [I guess she's laying some groundwork for making things work out...]

August, 37 Weeks: Sabrina, her mom, and her sister go shopping for baby stuff, and Sabrina mentions that she'd like to name her baby "Audrey," which her mother doesn't like. Her mom also questions Iman's surname being on the birth certificate. That's not the only strike against Iman, though, as Rebecca is concerned that Sabrina will ignore her once Iman arrives. They talk about getting an IUD after the delivery. She wants her mom and sister in the delivery room.

August, 38 Weeks: Iman calls, saying that he bought a plane ticket to leave in a week. The next morning, Sabrina's foot is swollen and she's not feeling well, so she goes to the hospital. With signs of pre-eclampsia, they decide to deliver. She receives pitocin to get things going, and five hours into labor, she gets an epidural. Thirteen hours in, she's ready to push, and Audrey Animi is born August 21st at 7lbs, 9oz. Audrey is suspected to have an infection, though, and is taken to the NICU, sending Sabrina into shock. [I don't think that Sabrina's mom was helping anything with her comments...]

One Day Old: Sabrina can go home, but Audrey is staying a few more days. Sabrina Skypes Iman, but neither seem very excited. [SO.WEIRD. why were neither gushing about their new, darling daughter?] It seems that he hasn't actually bought his ticket yet after all. [I can't believe it! such scum!]

Four Days Old: They take home Audrey and Sabrina breastfeeds. Her teachers send her work home, but it's hard for her to stay on top of it, though Rebecca helps by watching the baby for a few hours at night. Iman keeps texting that he's working on making it there.

September, 1 Month Old: The school doesn't have a spot for the baby in daycare until January, so it looks like Sabrina may need to ask her grandparents for free labor. Iman arrives by surprise, and jumps right in feeding and changing Audrey. [where did he get a Titans hoodie?] Sabrina goes to school while Rebecca stays home and unenrolls, planning to move back with her mom. [I question whether Iman had JUST arrived, as the story makes it seem, or if there was time for an incident to take place to make Rebecca want to leave...] Sabrina cries and cries, saying that the only reason she stayed in TN was to be with Rebecca, and can't believe that she left her so easily. She wants to go to cosmetology school after she graduates. Her grandparents tell her that Iman babysitting is great, but he needs to go look for a job, too. [if he does, you'll be watching the baby, gram & gramps...]
Photo By MTV
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