Wednesday, December 19, 2012

FOX Scheduling Issues, December 2012

by Amy K. Bredemeyer

Last Friday, news broke that FOX would not be airing their holiday episodes for Family Guy and American Dad in the wake of the school shooting in Newtown, CT. Rumors circulated about the gun violence contained in both "Jesus, Mary and Joseph!" and "Minstrel Krampus," and the network chose to air reruns instead. Now, it seems that Family Guy's Christmas special will run after all, just a week later than originally planned. Look for the cartoon this Sunday, December 23rd, at 9pm ET/PT.
No word yet whether American Dad will air "Minstrel Krampus" this season or hold it over for the future. The amount of gun violence within has not been disclosed, though if you think back to "For Whom the Sleigh Bell Tolls," the sixth season Christmas episode, it could be a LOT. That feature included massive amounts of gunfire by machine guns and assault rifles.

Check back for any updates.
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