by Amy K. Bredemeyer
Well, the girls are down another sixty bucks. Not thrilled about that, I gotta say. The addition to Jennifer Coolidge to the cast may end up being interesting, but in this, her first appearance, I'm not the biggest fan. And I generally like her in the random roles that she tends to play. The main gripe that I had about this episode, though, was that they could have done so much more with the miscommunication about what Sophie meant at dinner. The girls assume they're being solicited to become prostitutes, but that isn't Sophie's intention at all. But, rather than drawing this out for a bounty of fresh jokes, it's played late in the episode and cut away quickly. Oh well, maybe I'm just too big a sucker for Comedy of Errors-type stuff.
2 Broke Girls "And the Upstairs Neighbor" (S01E14): Caroline thinks that they should have a sexual harassment seminar in the diner, as Oleg is getting to be just too much. Max suggests that they try and pull the dirty stuff on Oleg, but Caroline struggles to do so. Max and Caroline have a financial assessment meeting, and learn that they're up to $725 in five months, which disappoints Caroline and impresses Max. Max thinks that it's only going to get worse, so they should quit while they're ahead. [insert masturbation joke this early in the episode.] A detective comes to the apartment, as it turns out the person who lived in the apartment above them died two weeks ago and nobody knew. [the place wasn't smelling up a storm by then?] Caroline decides it's weird that they don't know their neighbors, so she brings over some cupcakes to the guy across the hall... but although the gentleman is friendly, he's also on a leash, which causes Caroline not to want to get to know anyone else. [well, can you blame her? also, it's 10 o'clock at night... who delivers cupcakes at a time like that?] The new upstairs neighbor is playing music, annoying Max to the point that she writes a threatening note. The girls slide it under the person's door, then run downstairs and wait to hear the music stop. It does, but the neighbor also storms downstairs, calling the note "horrible, horrible." [oh no. is this about to be her catchphrase?] They invite her in, and learn that Sophie is Polish and likes cupcakes. [haha at the dark & heavy, light & fluffy comparison.] Caroline gets a lipgloss from the woman. [who has handfuls of makeup in a purse??] Looks like there's a little tension, but all will be well in the end.
At 3am, the music is playing again, and Max taps a broom on the ceiling. The girls are especially upset because the woman took a bunch of cupcakes when they "made peace." They storm up there to complain, but find out that Sophie is having a party with a bunch of women sitting in lingerie. [I couldn't even figure out a single explanation, so I'm glad that Max suggested Sophie is a Madame... an old hooker.] Ten hours later, Caroline is afraid that she is getting an infection on her lip. [haha!] Sophie comes into the diner, as Max invited her for a free meal.
Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS © 2011 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. |
Cupcakery Total: $665.00 (down $60, since the girls had to pay some for that nice dinner after all.)
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