by Amy K. Bredemeyer
I don't know about you, but Phil didn't leave me feeling great about his character in the pilot. This time, however, we learn that, while he cares a great deal about his work, he's a loyal guy who cares. That's really the big thing that came out of this episode. From the pilot we knew that Holly was unlucky with men, that Eden was a bit of a flirt (to put it lightly), that Stuart wasn't over his wife, and that Haskell sits around and sells things online all day. Now, I bet that we're going to find out more about Stuart and Haskell before long, but I was hoping for a little more from this episode. I'm not unhappy with the show... I guess I just saw it being a little different. Oh well, no big deal. This episode had its funny moments, and then we'll move on.
The Exes "A Little Romance" (S01E02): A Story: Phil is working from home in the morning and Stuart wants to chat, which gets on Phil's nerves pretty quickly. Phil is about to sign a jockey, who would humorously be his largest agent. [ha.] Phil wants Eden to act as some eye candy, but Holly wants to go along for dinner, too. [just how standard is this type of dinner?] At the dinner, the jockey is more into Holly than Eden.

B Story: Stuart & Lorna's clock collection arrives at the guys' apartment.Stuart is willing to sell it, and Haskell is handling the online sales for 20% commission. Stuart tries to answer clock questions online, but he gives way too much information. [rather ridiculously, too.] Turns out, Stuart has been secretly bidding on the clocks, but the jig is up when a cuckoo goes off in his room. [eh. the whole plot wasn't that compelling. the funniest part was Stuart talking about his honeymoon in the online response...]
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