by Amy K. Bredemeyer
What's with the new opening? And more fake bleeping? Why have a character say words that can't actually be said? Not a big fan. Of course, I wasn't hugely interested in this episode, which focused mainly on Ryan's career instead of his personal life and his interactions with the therapy group. Sure, it's great to see Carrie and Steven, but I think that the show is better when the workplace is the background for the group. Am I alone in that?
Go On "Win at All Costas" (S01E12): Bob Costas, Ryan's hero, calls. Ryan goes crazy listening to it, and even has Carrie autotune it for his car stereo. [lmao that Ryan listened to the beginning words a dozen times before getting through the whole message.] After some phone tag, Bob invites Ryan to do a spot on a new TV show. Though he should be thrilled, Ryan worries about a past broadcast experience which led to a viral .gif online of him falling flat. [that's gotta suck. poor Ryan.] At Lauren's suggestion, he decides to repeat his last show first and make amends. [and after he does so, he just walks off??]
Before Ryan is scheduled to do Bob's show, Mr. K becomes a daily part of his life, as his old project, a space arm, is now complete. Mr. K. thinks he should replace Janie, so he cooks for him. [so odd.] But, when he brings Ryan's lunch to Bob's studio, he talks Costas into moving on from sports. [uh oh.]
Photo by: Vivian Zink/NBC |
Everyone is invited to Fausta's niece's quincenera except Anne, who is seen as a "wet blanket." [omg that's got to be so horrific!] Because of Owen's advice, Danny shows up dressed as a bullfighter, making things awkward. Anne makes things even worse, however, by showing up and sitting at the table for the deceased. Fortunately, she makes up with Fausta and even changes into a fancy pink dress for part of the evening. [not gonna lie, that's the picture I wanted to share.]
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