by Amy K. Bredemeyer
In the final installment to celebrate two years of existence on the internet, I wanted to take a few minutes to look at how readers find TheTalkingBox.
Well, I've been posting links on facebook and twitter for a long time (since almost the very beginning). So a lot of people who personally know me have come across it that way. Particularly my friends who also watch a lot of television (I sadly have several friends who abhor it). After I bought the domain readership went up (anyone remember when it was, lol?). Getting the RSS on there helped maintain some readership (and it's actually a September goal to get an email-subscribe option up there, too). After my other blog started picking up traffic, there's been a little overlap in audiences (not much, tho). TheTalkingBox got its own twitter account this past June, and while that seems to have done very little, it's given me some good ideas for the future.
However, as one might guess, most people come to find this blog through search engines (primarily Google). At some point in this blog's early life (pre-domain), I started up some analytics (three different types), and I've gotten some really intriguing feedback about what searches are done where people end up actually clicking onto this site (it also gives me statistics on what queries were done where this blog showed up, but wasn't clicked on by the reader). So, let's amuse ourselves by taking a look at the most amusing searches.
"Where was Grounded for Life taped" (this yielded a three-minute, three-page perusal of the blog.)
"What season of Frasier was your favorite" (25 minutes. looked at 5 pages. and, in case you were wondering the answer, try here)
"What is the diameter of the circle on minute to win it" (I have no idea, people)
"What breakfast did Cal Lightman have in exposed?" (I don't even know if this is a GOOD question...)
"Watch beverly hills 90210 hazardous to your health" (haha, I did note it as a favorite episode, but clearly I don't know where you can watch it... I only found it in Spanish)
"Top five tv sluts" (got more than s/he bargained for... I posted the top 10) (there was also a "television sluts" search that found us, too)
"Things from the duggar book" (again, jackpot. whole post on this. Person spent 11 minutes on two pages.)
"Someone doing minute to win it high strung video" (no videos, folks. but I've talked about how the game is played on two different occasions.) (there have been TONS of searches for how the various games on that show are played)
I've had several searches where people are just looking for multiple shows at the same time (secret life cake boss 19 kids and counting) (secret life of the american teenager 19 kids and counting wipeout)
"russian refuse vodka pakistan clear plate" (seems like a really strange query, but it comes from a quote on Burn Notice)
"richards brady's 33rd birthday party on youtube" (another one where I know nothing about what they're going for)
"Ralph cake boss freak" (this one actually yielded 4 minutes of reading on 2 pages - I assume one was this)
"Rainbow brite" (actually got 3 pages' worth of reading. not even sure how just those two terms brought my blog to light, unless maybe they were looking for recent posts at the time or something?)
"quotes and analysis from the secret diary of ashley juergens" (haha, someone trying to read that book for a book report or something? They didn't read the blog, but this is as close as they would've gotten)
Multiple searches about the slanted floor on Mad About You.
"Lizzie mcguire movie drinking game" (haha, that sounds crazy. I haven't seen the movie, but maybe I should)
"Huge alistair and chloe mother wheel chair" (2 pages, 7 minutes, and I didn't mention all that much about their mother)
"hidden camera home harass steal fraud stalk phone phreak" (um those terms found this site??)
"Frasier episode daphne's diary" (23 minutes on 3 pages... and I have NO IDEA what they found with that query)
The "favorite episodes" thing was pretty popular overall.
"Emeril is dumb stupid who wants to be a millionaire" (again, NO IDEA why I came up on that one)
"Colon capital P right now its always sunny quotes" (I've only mentioned It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ONCE on this blog, but the searcher found 13 minutes of interest on a single page)
"Burn Notice drinking game" (and other variants) got quite a few hits, probably because of the live drinking game via twitter that we did.
So, there we have it. Isn't Google wonderful, LoL? Although, I have to admit that twitter has done wonders for all sorts of things in my life (tho primarily areas which are covered in my other blog). I really don't think too many of my real-life friends are regular readers, going by the demographics maps I look at, LoL. But that's fine. If anything, it makes sense, since I don't really discuss television with too many of my friends anymore (tho back in the glory days of 7th Heaven, ER, and Jenny Jones, I frequently watched shows and chatted about them with friends).
What shows get the most hits overall ? Cake Boss, Wipeout, Minute to Win It. I think Huge may get into this category, should it become popular next season, as there were quite a few searches for various things about the show toward the end of the summer run.
Readers, I'm curious. A) Did anyone reading today find this originally by going through one of the methods mentioned above? and, B) How did you find this site otherwise?
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